I should have gone to medical school and become a doctor.
If you tell me not to do something because it's against the rules, it only makes me want to do it more. However, I really am not a radical.
I feel sorry for my only son who has a highly developed sense of anti-authoritarianism and a harsh sarcastic humorous side. As a young person, those are things that get you into trouble. I don't know where he got either of those.
I wonder if 25 years from now we will remember 2008 as the year of the second great depression? A poll I read about said the average American is not really concerned about his/her money in the bank. Hmmm.. Last week, I was ready to liquidate all my assets, however limited, then buy a safe and a shotgun and and become my own bank. No FDIC issues there.
I don't believe the government should legislate morality. Interpret that however you will.
If I said a third, or even a tenth of what I thought about things I see and experience, I'd either be hailed as the next great mind of our century or a raving lunatic, perhaps both.
I wonder what it would take for me to turn into a problem drinker? Currently I drink one or two glasses of wine or a strawberry margarita once a month.
I watched "The Swan" all day yesterday on Fox reality TV. I was mesmerized by it and I am still speechless and dumbfounded. The only thing I can say is that all the women seemed to get a hair makeover that left them blonde or blonder with very long hair extensions. Hmmm no stereotyping there eh? I can't even begin to address the rest of the show and their surgeries and the whole premise of the spectacle. Maybe I will leave that for another blog, maybe I won't waste time on it after this comment. I wonder if I will wake screaming in the middle of the night replaying what I saw. OMG! OK Maybe I will spend just a little more time on this show.
Apparently what I saw was a marathon showing of season 2 ending with the Swan Beauty Pageant. I happened upon this thing by accident and could not turn away. Almost like the driving by an accident phenomenon. You know it's going to be ugly and gruesome but you have to look. Anyway, let's start with the hostess, Amanda or whatever her name was. Could she have gotten some of that makeover magic to take that awful mole off the lower part of her lip/chin. The mole was too large to be considered a beauty mark and she was not so attractive that I could overlook it. I was distracted by it each and every time I saw her, fixated on it if you will. To me, she had a kind of witch's look about her.
On to the "contestants". My heart went out to each woman on the show who asked for a makeover. I can relate to feeling inadequate and unattractive in your own body. What I objected to was the sheer number of procedures each woman had to endure. It was as if the goal of the program was to enhance or change every single feature that had a surgical, dental or cosmetic fix and then subject the women to those procedures. One woman had teeth that were a little large for her mouth but that were distictively her. They didn't need fixing. Did she get to say, "No I don't want that?" I don't know, she got veneers in the end. Was is that the doctors got to do whatever they felt you needed regardless of what you wanted? Again I don't know, but it seemed that way.
In the end, the women looked great and they appeared to be happy with their change in looks. Oh and yeah there was weekly therapy and coaching, HA! Ok that's off my chest. I don't know if there will be a season three, and I don't know if I am way late in discovering this abomination of a show. However, my thoughts will live on in this blog.
With all that is wrong in this world, is having 4 or 5 plastic surgery procedures and risking your life for beauty really worth it? Perhaps. Perhaps I am the one with mixed up priorities.
Maybe my next blog will be about why I believe Jesus was a hippie.