Anyway, I keep thinking how much the 2.5 week absence has seemed like years. OK so I exaggerate but it does seem like a long time and much too long for my taste.
Hundreds of years ago women had to endure months and perhaps years of missing husbands who went off to war, or even away from town or overseas for business. I guess since marriages were based on convenience and needs for enhancing one's standing in society, loving your spouse wasn't an issue and the absence of a spouse often a blessing.
Back to my point. I thought a lot about families whose husbands and sons and fathers are overseas at war. I personally am completely against this war and think it's been one of our biggest blunders. But that doesn't matter.

What does matter is all the children who have lost fathers; all the husbands and wives who have lost spouses and all the parents who have lost children. People will say that those who are serving made the choice and knew the risk they were taking by serving in the armed forces. Maybe some did. I bet many of the younger ones were looking for a way to pay for college or to support their young family. I suspect they never really expected to be sent to war. Certainly some of the people away at war wanted to be there and are in their element.
I guess I'm just glad that I personally am not dealing with a husband at war. I suppose one day my son could be sent to war, or perhaps the government could try to send him to war. I guess I'll be blogging from prison or Canada, or somewhere else. if that happens.
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