Tuesday, September 23, 2008

9:30 F@#%*&ING RANT

EVERYTHING out here closes by 10 PM. Maybe not everything but MOST everything. I just got back from trying to get some late dinner and the family restaurant that is open til 10 closed at 9. Who knows why. So I made it to a Subway nearby which closed at 9:30, cool except it was out of the meat AND the bread I wanted. There is a Subway with a DRIVE-THRU that's open "late" or so I'm told and it was close by too. So I get there, the kids inside clearly do not want to wait on me cause it's late and they are cleaning up blah blah. It's 9:14 and the drive up is open til 10 pm, which is NOT late. Um hello? So I get my subway and go home.

So there is ONE 24 hour restaurant but it's what you'd expect from a 24 hour pace in that it's noisy and busy at night with young folks who have nothing to do and it has a wide variety of food choices. More importantly the one time I was there it didn't seem dirty but I didn't get an impression of cleanliness either. I haven't eaten there since even though the food was good.

Food is important to me and since I choose not to cook, I need to eat out a lot. It's not like I have a live in chef like some other relative who lives far away. So perhaps I don't need a gourmet chef but if I left the cooking to other people who live in my house like my mother, we'd be eating ground beef and pork a lot. I tend toward chicken. Occasionally a nice piece of steak but my meat of choice is chicken.

The husband is not allowed to cook having once made cinnamon flavored rice to add to the beef stew I had made earlier. Let's just say that I didn't know there was cinnamon in the rice until after I put the spoonful of rice and stew in my mouth. Don't try this at home, really.

Back to the rant. The point is that I have to drive at least 15 miles to place I like to eat. These are the same places that I could get to easily when I live in the city of Chicago. I love Flat Top. It's 18 miles away now that the new one opened. 24 miles before that. There are no interesting restaurants nearby. There is little variety. I can't go to my local Filipino restaurant because there isn't one. I can't get Indian food. Ethnic food is sorely lacking out here with the exception of Mexican food. I can get that, plenty of it, and it's very good. One plus.

I like space in the new house. Isn't it cute?

It looks exactly like this too, colors and all. One day maybe I will take pics of the inside and let you see how I decorate. I think I do a nice job. It's not everyone's taste but I like it. I digress....

I love my deck and my bucolic setting. I am still a city girl at heart and at least once every few months I start to wonder why I moved out this way. I know in a few years there will be a lot of shopping and eating option nearby and construction on at least 2 of them has already begun. But my problem is I want stuff now. I don't know how long I can do this. I wonder if in 5years I'll be going back to the city? All this doubt and anguish because I couldn't find dinner at 9pm. *sigh*.

Legal issues to follow. If I can copy a pic off the web to my pc then is it OK to use it in my blog here? I already did but just checking. Yesterday when I talked about the mole on Amada, I did have a picture of her but then I wondered if I pulled a pic of her off the web if I'd be violating something. Worse since I said she looked like a witch I wondered if my opinion of her looking like a witch was opening me up to liability, or even more so if I put her face to the name of Amanda something. Oh well.


Jonathan said...

You can hotlink a picture in blogger. just copy down the shortcut to the picture on the web and upload it on the right hand side of the picture uploader. no more legal issues =)

-From someone who has access to food 24/7 =) and blueberries.. lots and lots of blueberries.

Bee said...
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Bee said...

I don't like blueberries. Phbbbttt!! It seems like more work to copy the shortcut than to cut an paste it into the blog creator.. Maybe we are doing the same thing.

Lissa said...

I vote for coming back to the city.

I have many 24 hour restaurants right by me! from ethiopian (whatever it is they eat) to a lil diner type thing.

You can call Haulin' House and have them bring the new place to my back yard.